Improvement of Care & Outcome
Intensive insulin therapy is necessary for people with T1D (PWD) to prevent acute and long-term complications. For multiple daily injections (MDI) treatment it is already known that 40%−50% basal insulin dose (BD) as part of the total daily dose (TDD) is effective for lowering HbA1c. ISPAD recommends 30%−50% basal insulin, but there are also guidelines which do not specify this. In clinical practice BD percentages can even reach 95%, probably for noncompliant PWDs. This study, co-authored by Dick Mul of Diabeter, aimed to assess differences in BD/TDD ratios according to treatment modality/use of technology, and also to assess if there are associations between BD/TDD ratios and HbA1c and body mass index (BMI).
This study used data from the SWEET database. Inclusion criteria were: age between 2.5 and 18 years, ≥2 years diabetes duration and at least 1 clinical visit between June 2010 and December 2021. In total 38,956 PWDs from 122 centers in 57 countries were included. Data were grouped according to four treatment modality groups (i.e. combinations of increasing use of technology like insulin pump and continous glucose monitoring [CGM] use): MDI without CGM; MDI with CGM; insulin pump without CGM; insulin pump with CGM: 37%. Each group was stratified according to:
Key findings:
Concluding, the authors state
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